Saturday, June 23, 2007

Use things; Love people

As promised, pictures from a borrowed digital of the beautiful meal my fabulous friend and colleague brought over Thursday night. It had been a very rough emotional day and I had contemplated calling off the dinner party, but then decided (correctly, it turns out) it might help to have people around.

Post divorce decision, I had been mostly eating off paper plates, because for the past year I could not make up my mind about what kind of dishes to buy. I was completely immobilized. (Check out a fabulous, pitch perfect story about what such immobilization feels like in the New Yorker. It's written by Miranda July. I think it's called Ron Spivey. Robin first insisted I read it just before my trip to the city. Also, since you're going to be reading anyway, check out Robin's fabulous blog.)

Anywho, Thursday, knowing people were coming over in a matter of hours, I ran to le Target and found these turquoise dinner plates on sale. Wonderful, since turquoise is my primary accent color downstairs. I snipped some salvia sprigs and the first blooming black-eyed susan from my woefully neglected garden and stuck them in old spice jars (i heart spice jars) passed down from my out-laws. And there was my Village Cigars print (a gift from Kathleen Piunti) to remind me of the city.

So, "nothing gold" be damned. What does stay is my sense of gratitude. Even in grief, my life is beautiful. I am so very blessed.

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